Ecommerce is a tricky game. The Internet is full of competition for almost any product you can think of selling. Dozens of methods of marketing, customer service, product procurement and shipping, and he commerce web site design and development exist. When it all comes down to it however, there are three main questions you have to ask yourself. Take the ecommerce quiz below to determine how you were doing.

Ecommerce Quiz Question #1
Is your product both of interest to the buying public and cheap enough to compete with others? The number one rule of ecommerce is to have a product you believe in. Even if you do not particularly like the product you’re selling, you have to be able to recognize its value.
Ecommerce Quiz Question #2
Is your ecommerce web site sufficiently attractive and professional to make the sale? Search for competing web sites on the Internet to get an idea of what you’re up against. If ABC company’s web site has state of the art design, loads in 4 seconds, and has attractive vector graphics, and you have a plain 1990s style web site with flashing text and clip art, you will not be able to succeed in ecommerce.
Ecommerce Quiz Question #3
Is the guarantee, either real or implied, good enough to create trust with potential customers? It is not always necessary to give an actual money-back or no-questions-asked guarantee on your product. Giving some guarantee against shipping damage or manufacturer’s defect goes a long way to establishing trust. Another way to offer an implied guarantee on your products it to create the feeling of professionalism and trustworthiness with your website and all correspondence.