In the modern business landscape, technologies such as computers and networks are so vital, they’re indispensible. As such, any business will have appropriate security measures and back up plans in place to deal with any network downtime. This is certainly something of a priority for businesses whose whole operation is dependent on fully functioning computers and networks.

In the modern business landscape, technologies such as computers and networks are so vital, they’re indispensible. As such, any business will have appropriate security measures and back up plans in place to deal with any network downtime. This is certainly something of a priority for businesses whose whole operation is dependent on fully functioning computers and networks.

Whilst having the provisions in place to deal with any computer and network faults is a priority for most businesses, have you ever considered the value and the benefits that you’ll get from actually analysing your network traffic? If not, you’ll be surprised to know that when it comes to analysing your business network, there’s a lot of information and data which isn’t just useful to your company, it can also form a huge part of your business plan and operations.

Your network is, in effect, the backbone of your business. If it’s not up and running efficiently and effectively, there’s a whole host of problems that you may encounter. This way it pays to have your network functioning properly, but it also pays to know exactly what’s going on with your network. If it’s down, why is it down? If productivity is down, what’s the user activity been like recently? In other words, having a functioning network is one thing, but having deep insights will ensure your using your business network to its full potential.

Knowing vital information about your business network such as the user activity, the amount of bandwidth that’s been used, detecting any network problems as well as detecting any network intrusion will help your business form a clearer picture of your output, work rate, usage and security. This way it’ll help you become more productive and compliant, whilst having better security. This could also potentially save you a fortune, whilst ensuring that you’re completely up to date and well informed of all the activity on your network.  

User Activity

Monitor what web pages have been accessed, analyse your traffic volumes, what files have been read and which ones have been moved or deleted.  These features will let you pinpoint exactly what files have been accessed by who and when. In terms of your business, you’ll be able to monitor performance, work rate and output as well as tracking file deletes and moves, whether unintentional or malicious. Identification of network problems.

See where the problems lie on your network so you can inform IT support and maintenance of the exact problems accurately and swiftly. This will minimise any downtime as well as save you a fortune on maintenance costs as IT network support can be quite costly, especially if they have to perform tests and checks to see where the problem lies.


With this technology, you can keep your network completely protected without jeopardising your business, your clients, or your employee’s livelihoods. Hacking has become more and more of a concern for businesses, and with network monitoring software you can pinpoint any kind of unwanted or strange activity on your network. You’ll be notified at the time of such activity immediately so you can then take the necessary steps.

Bandwidth Usage

The amount of bandwidth that any company uses will differ dramatically. As such, whilst one company may be spending lots on broadband that they barely use, another company may be using far more than they thought and would thus need extra bandwidth to meet their demands. This kind of data on your business network will allow you to tailor your bandwidth needs, so you only spend what you need.

As you can see, overall it pays to know exactly what’s going on with your business network. This will ensure that your complaint, secure, more productive and also cost effective.