These are some of the best tips on how to make money on eBay and how to increase your sales. These tips and tricks have helped boost me to become profitable power seller, and they will help your sales as well if you put them into practice.

Tip 1: Offer International Shipping
Consider offering international shipping. Yes, it can be a pain filling out the custom forms, but you can increase your sales by up to 20% instantly by simply offering international shipments.
Tip 2: Pick the Proper eBay Merchandise
When choosing merchandise to sell on eBay, remember that eBay is primary set up for selling items that are brand new to the market or that are being liquidated for cheap. eBay is not a good market for selling merchandise that is in the middle of its “lifecycle.” eBay buyers are looking for a 30 to 50% discount on retail merchandise. Keep this in mind when pricing and looking for products to sell.
Tip 3: Use “Snipers” to Your Advantage
Take advantage of the so-called “snipers” by utilizing the “second chance offer.” When you have multiple items, consider listing them in a single auction for the minimum allowable profit you would like to generate. If you receive bids, you can then offer up to three bidders the same item with only one listing. This strategy actually encourages “snipers” (those eBay buyers who like to outbid others by pennies at the last second), as you will sell multiple items to last-second bidders.
Tip 4: Use Keywords in Your Title
Pay attention to your title. The majority of buyers find what they are looking for by performing a search on the title (not the description). Make certain your title conveys not only the title or brand, but also any searchable keywords that may be associated with your product. Try to use all 55 letters available in the title. It will increase the number of lookers.
Not sure what what key words are “hot” on eBay? Go to Auctioncloud to find out.
Tip 5: Listing Times
List your items at peak traffic times. This can have a significant impact on your final selling price. As a general rule, list your items between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. (Eastern Time).
Weekends are the best time to list with Sunday being the best day. For an extra 10 cents, you can schedule your listing at anytime you like, which is well worth the 10 cents.
Tip 6: Open an eBay Storefront
Open a storefront. For only $15 a month, you can open a storefront that displays your merchandise 24/7.
Tip 7: Make Use of Free Marketing Services
Utilize the free email newsletter. You must have a storefront to use this tip. Make certain to send your signed-up buyers newsletters. Utilize the email marketing feature for your storefront at least once a month.
Tip 8: Learn Basic HTML
Learn basic HTML to make your listings more attractive. You can learn the basics of HTML free at many different websites, and a simple Google search will provide you with many tutorials on HTML.
You will easily learn how to insert pictures for free into your listings by learning a few simple HTML codes, which also allow you to embed videos and much more. Take a few hours to learn the basics. Trust me, you’ll be glad you invested the time.
Tip 9: Guarantees Help Sell
Offer a guarantee. While it sounds risky, if you offer a good product at a good price, you will receive next to zero returns, and it will increase the number of bids and your overall sales.
Tip 10: Speak Benefits, Not Features
Sell the sizzle, not the steak! When writing your description, make certain you emphasize the benefits the buyer will receive from your product, not just product details and features. Try to connect on an emotional level with your buyers. This is very important – it converts lookers to buyers! Try putting these 10 basic eBay selling tips into practice to get more bids and a greater profit.