Over the years, a lot of changes and innovations have happened in the business industry. Marketing strategies have been improved. If in the past, people depend largely on printed catalogs, brochures, business cards, or flyers to get information, today they can simply sit at home, log on to the Internet, and, presto, the information is right in front of them.



Whether you have been in business for one day or for one decade, marketing is necessary. It’s the only thing that can help you sustain the success of your business. Without a good marketing plan, no sales or profit will come your way.

Over the years, a lot of changes and innovations have happened in the business industry. Marketing strategies have been improved. If in the past, people depend largely on printed catalogs, brochures, business cards, or flyers to get information, today they can simply sit at home, log on to the Internet, and, presto, the information is right in front of them. These modern advancements have made life so much easier. Unfortunately, they have also rendered the old marketing strategies as obsolete.

But don’t conclude yet that old marketing strategies are useless. In today’s highly crowded marketplace, sometimes the best way to stand out is through the old-school way. Establishing strong relationships often require personal interaction, and the best way to do that is through traditional marketing literatures.

Great choices of traditional (non-techie) and relationship-focused marketing strategies are as follows:

  1. Networking activities. Tradeshows and networking events are great places to meet people. Understand that professional relationships should not be confided in the virtual world. You still have to go out there and talk to people. Join every event you know. Don’t forget to bring your business cards and a few brochures and marketing catalogs which you can give out to interested individuals. Remember though that not all networking event is appropriate to your business. Choose the ones that will relate directly to what you do.
  2. Referrals. The power of referrals is still strong these days. However, people usually talk about a business more often when they don’t like it rather than when they like them. You have to find a way to switch the situation and encourage your customers to tell others why they like your company. You can come up with a referral system that will give rewards or incentives to customers who will refer you to others. However, if you make your products or services exceptionally good, you won’t need to convince people to refer. They will do it themselves without thinking of getting something in return.
  3. Partner with other companies. Look for companies who are not your direct competitors but share the same target market as you and part with them. For instance, if you sell jewelries, look for clothing and shoe stores that cater to the same market as you. Offer to refer your clients to them and vice versa. This will help you find new leads, and thus, broaden your market mileage. Keep your eyes open for new partners and you’ll accomplish a lot more than what you expected.     
  4. Reach out through traditional media. Printed materials always look more personal. If you want to make an impact on people, consider the use of printed ads. They are affordable enough to produce these days. Just create the materials that fit best with your marketing need.         

These are good strategies that will help you build solid relationships with customers. Next to investing in techie marketing strategies, consider this option so you get greater mileage. Remember that just because they are old-school doesn’t mean that they are no longer effective. Try them today and see what it can deliver to your business.