A recent evaluation of the risks involved in IT management revealed that auditing information systems was a crucial part of preventing problems. The risks can vary among businesses, but security continues to be a top priority. The rise of hacking and data leaks has made organizations more aware of the need for regular audits.

Netwrix defines auditing by categorizing it into three areas of access, breaches and changes. The IT auditing company lists infrastructure evaluations as the key component of testing the systems. This is a similar approach to the one recommended by the ISACA Malta Chapter, a nonprofit dedicated to educating businesses, in a recent meeting. In a recent interview, Netwrix pointed out that configuration auditing allows for both a system assessment and alerts for critical changes. In addition, organizations use audits to make sure compliance with regulatory measures and insurance is still being met.

IT audits are becoming a standard among many businesses as they struggle to control security and keep up with the latest regulatory announcements. Many of them are turning to automated systems and software that make the process faster. Additionally, companies are integrating active monitoring into their systems to keep audits running constantly. This immediately alerts system administrators of any changes and prevents small problems from becoming more serious.

Audits are part of risk management solutions, and businesses are not the only ones that are implementing them. A recent report found that an audit of the University of Iowa revealed encryption was not being implemented and IT guidelines at the school needed a review. This created a dangerous system that put the information of students at risk of a security breach. IT audits are important, and they should not be ignored.